United States : WWII
Medal and Ribbon
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# 449938 Crests 7th Infantry Regiment 15 Euros
10-17-2019 Medal and Ribbon Individual --
# 449937 Patchs 3rd ID et 36th ID 1 Euros
10-17-2019 Medal and Ribbon Individual --
# 449928 Patchs 7th US Army 8 Euros
10-16-2019 Medal and Ribbon Individual --
# 449560 BADGE GLIDER 145 Euros
09-04-2019 Medal and Ribbon Professional --
# 447881 Patchs 12th Armored Division et 711st Tank Battalion 15 Euros
03-14-2019 Medal and Ribbon Individual --
# 446945 Citation Présidentielle 15 Euros
12-07-2018 Medal and Ribbon Individual --
# 446625 Patchs Army Air Forces WWII 0123 Euros
10-31-2018 Medal and Ribbon Individual --
# 446556 Patch poitrine 506th PIR 101st airborne original Normandie 280 Euros
10-24-2018 Medal and Ribbon Individual --
# 446408 patchs US WW2 1 Euros
10-11-2018 Medal and Ribbon Individual --
# 446407 DUC - Distinguished unit Citation 8 Euros
10-11-2018 Medal and Ribbon Individual --
# 445688 Crest 15th Infantry Regiment 15 Euros
07-13-2018 Medal and Ribbon Individual --
# 445687 grade de T/Sgt 13 Euros
07-13-2018 Medal and Ribbon Individual --
# 444854 Insignes Tissus Army Air Force WWII 123 Euros
04-09-2018 Medal and Ribbon Individual --
# 443398 Patch 36 th Infantry Division 15 Euros
12-30-2017 Medal and Ribbon Individual --
# 443396 patch 3rd Infantry Division \"Silk\" 30 Euros
12-30-2017 Medal and Ribbon Individual --